The purpose of A Kids Place is to provide young children with full day care in a preplanned, positive environment. This environment will enhance the “whole” child, nurturing the needs of each child’s body, mind, and spirit. Our programs will provide each child with experiences that encourage the following:
Self-Esteem and Positive Self-Image - We provide experiences that enhance each child’s sense of identity and support his or her group identification.
Social Interaction - We provide opportunities for each child to interact with peers and adults including those who are different from himself or herself to perpetuate acceptance and celebrate individual differences.
Self-Expression and Communication Skills - We provide activities that enhance and develop language skills, and opportunities for children to express themselves through language and other non-directive experiences.
Creative Expression - We provide opportunities for each child to be original and make use of equipment and materials in a way not prescribed by others.
Large and Small Muscle Development - We provide opportunities for each child to participate in activities and use equipment to enhance his or her small and large muscle development according to his or her ability.
Intellectual Growth - We provide opportunities and resources for each child to develop cognitive skills for more effective communication and interaction.